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Matt McGowan

Director of Channel Alliances

Email: [email protected]

ABOUT Riskalyze

Investing feels broken for the average investor, and subjective risk semantics like “aggressive” and “moderately conservative” don’t help. We believe that when advisors align the world’s investments with each investor’s Risk Number®, anyone can invest fearlessly.

Riskalyze is transforming the advisory industry by empowering investment advisors to capture a quantitative measurement of client risk tolerance, and use that data to win new clients, capture and meet expectations and quantify suitability.

Riskalyze Quick Tour

Take a quick video tour about Riskalyze. Learn about the concept behind its inception and the tools it has to offer for financial professionals.

Riskalyze Guided Tour

This session will walk you through the essentials of getting started with Riskalyze. We’ll cover the core four functions of Riskalyze, including understanding the amount of risk a client has, wants, needs, and should have, review best practice workflows, and highlight additional resources for your practice.

Free Resources to View/Download

Getting Clients Excited

The Emotion of Money

Case Study: When Volatility Strikes

Get In Touch!

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